Riverfront Wilmington

Adaptive and Interactive Website Design

mobile phone and laptop displaying screens from the Riverfront Wilmington website redesign


This project is an adaptive and interactive redesign of the Riverfront Wilmington website created for the classes IDM 211 & 212, user interface design I & II, under the direction of Professor Antonia Brown. working individually, but with class and instructor support, we were tasked to redesign and prototype a website of our choosing to exemplify interface design principles and usability heuristics. over 20+ weeks I researched, brainstormed, wireframed, designed, and prototyped to develop my final desktop and mobile Figma designs.

Edit (As of November 2023): The website has been redesigned by the organization and no longer appears as it did when I critiqued and redesigned it for this project.

Problem Statement

The Riverfront Wilmington website is in need of reworking because the current website, https://riverfrontwilm.com/, is difficult to navigate, poorly designed, and not adaptive so I will design and prototype a new site to fit modern standards and cater to the website's audience.

Users & Audience

The audience of this website covers a wide range, so I created 3 user personas to base my solutions around. these three personas are essentially, the local, the worker, and the tourist.

User Persona of a young Wilmington, Delaware local User Persona of a middle age Wilmington, Delaware corporate worker User Persona of a young Wilmington, Delaware visitor

Roles & Responsibilities

This was an independent project. I completed all work over 20+ weeks, however I did receive constructive feedback from my peers and instructors. as a class, we also did collective brainstorming and I had several friends participate in the user testing of my final sites.

Design Process

Improvements Needed

In IDM 211: Interface Design I, we were tasked with selecting a website we thought could use a redesign. I chose the Riverfront Wilmington website, a local boardwalk-type area in my home state. The website was difficult to navigate, poorly designed, and not adaptive. most of the photos on the site did not fit inside their frames properly and the header often covered titles and text. this location is important to me, so I wanted their website to reflect how amazing the Wilmington Riverfront really is.

Navigation Bar Issues:

  • Navigation bar and drop downs do not work correctly
  • Sections are inconsistent in size
  • Menu options cover page titles and headers
  • Pages are poorly ordered and organized in the menu
Old navigation style that overlaps with page titles

General Page Issues:

  • Signifigant blank areas and sections of wasted space
  • Minimal incorporation of photographs
  • Lack of clarity on what pages are for
Wasted and blank space on web pages

Calendar Issues:

  • Not maintained and kept full of upcoming events
  • Simply an embedded Google calendar
  • Takes up large space, but provides litle information
Embedded google calendar that is not maintained
Mood Boards

After determining some of the main things to focus on improving I began to test font and color pairings. Below are 3 mood boards I made to narrow down my design concept. I chose the first board shown. I went with an orange/rust and blue/teal color scheme because I felt it captured the historical and industrial roots of the Wilmington Riverfront as well as the river. for my header and title font I chose Reem Kufi, in all caps, and for my body text, I chose Baskerville. I think the sans-serif and serif fonts have a nice contrast that feels both modern and historical.

Site Maps and Navigation Reorganization

In order to reorganize the navigation menu I had my peers participate in a card sort activity. I used their input to recategorize the pages and make site maps to inform my website design. Ultimately, I condensed the two previous navigation menus into one navigation bar with five main sections: explore, history, home, about, and events. some pages were combined together, and others resorted under a more relevant navigation item.

Sitemap of the current orgaizaiton of the navigation and other sub menu Reoranized sitemap based on user research
Wireframes and Iteration

After creating ideation sketches, I began to build preliminary wireframes in Figma based on my new navigation. My wireframes went through a variety of iterations before I ever introduced color into the designs. By the end of IDM 211 I has my designs fully built out in color for three pages on both mobile and desktop. In IDM 212 I made a few changes based on the interactions I was introducing, but my designs did not change significantly.

Gray scale wireframe iterations for mobile and pc Full color high fidelity iterations based on inital wireframes for mobile and pc
Prototyping and Interactions

Moving into IDM 212, I had to take my designs from the previous class and prototype them, with 3 specific and complex components built out. My components were: a sub navigation system based on my initial site map, a weekly event calendar, and an interactive map. I created user flows for these interactions to solidify how each would work in the prototype. I also had to determine which of my personas would aid in completing their primary task. I used component sets to build out each of my main interactions. They were only partially built out, so long as they could be demonstrated to complete my persona’s tasks. I also built out some smaller and more general interactions like buttons and links across the pages.

Flow chart showing use cases and chains of action for the newly designed subnavigation Flow chart showing use cases and chains of action for the newly designed event calendar Flow chart showing use cases and chains of action for the newly designed interavtive map


The final product has 12 screens fully designed and interactive on both desktop and mobile. The prototypes for sub navigation, event calendar, and interactive map have also been implemented in these designs with changes between them depending on the device.

mobile phone and laptop displaying screens from the Riverfront Wilmington website redesign